Our shared company values are:
Each word has a specific meaning demonstrating ERS's P·R·I·D·E in it's Employee Owned status and our shared values in action:
PASSION: We believe in what we do. This brings quality, tenacity, innovation and improvement and a focus on the best solution for our clients.
RESPECT: For each other, our communities, our environment, our clients, our regulators and our competitors.
INTEGRITY: We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. People trust us to adhere to our word.
DIVERSITY: It takes a Team with different ideas, strengths, interests, educational and cultural backgrounds to make our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion.
ENLIGHTENMENT: The enlightened company is one that puts the treatment of its employees and other stakeholders at the centre of its business. It draws on principles of wisdom, kindness and harmony as well as the values of scientific inquiry and analysis to achieve improvement for the benefit of the individual and society as a whole, as exemplified by The Scottish Enlightenment.