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ERS Site Investigation and Remediation Contractor Logo
Staff gathered round a table for an ERS lunch and learn webinar


ERS are always delighted to support our clients - and others working the wider brownfield land regeneration industry - with seminars, webinars and discussions on topics related to contaminated land investigation/ remediation and our specific approaches and technologies.


If this sounds like something that would be of interest, we’d be happy to organise a seminar or webinar for you and your team.


Examples of seminars/webinars we’ve provided in the past include:


  • In-situ Groundwater Remediation

  • Oil spill response/ NAPL recovery  

  • Contaminated site investigation approaches

  • Hydrocarbon contaminated soil bioremediation

  • Chlorinated solvent remediation 

  • Chromium contaminated soil and groundwater remediation

  • Onsite contaminant testing in soil  

  • Introduction to qPCR and its application in contaminated land 


We can organise 30 minute ‘lunch and learns’ or longer 1-2 hour sessions depending on your needs. 


If you are interested in one of the above webinars or if you have a specific topic of interest not listed above you'd like to discuss with us, contact us today and ask talk with our Technical Team's Dr Thomas Aspray. 


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