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ERS Site Investigation and Remediation Contractor Logo

Project:  University of Glasgow, New School of Engineering

Value:  £930,000

Timescale:  2 years


ERS has been assisting Multiplex Construction with the delivery of the prestigious Campus Development Programme for the University of Glasgow.  This is a £1 billion, ten year investment to expand and develop the campus in the west end of Glasgow, including redevelopment of the  former Western Infirmary hospital site.   

Over the past couple of years we have provided a range of ground investigation and remediation services to Multiplex, each one a key part to enabling the progress of this prestigious development. 


  • Geo-environmental and geotechnical ground investigation for development sub-plots 


  • Geotechnical ground investigation for temporary and permanent works 


  • Geo-environmental investigation, remediation strategy, remediation works and verification for unexpected contamination, delivered on a turnkey basis 


  • Short notice response to further finds of unexpected contamination 


  • Overwatch of basement and foundation breakout and excavation by demolition sub-contractors for potential contamination finds 


  • Assessment, management strategy and removal works for contaminated soil arisings 


  • Investigation and treatment of abandoned mine workings 


This wide ranging project spans right across ERS’ service offering and involved a significant number of our Glasgow and Edinburgh staff, often at short notice due to the unexpected nature of the contamination finds and with a short delivery timescale to mitigate risk on the overall construction programme. 


Over the various phases of ground investigation across the development site we have drilled: 


  • over 230 linear metres of cable percussion boreholes


  • over 340 linear meters of rotary cored boreholes


  • over 850 linear meters of rotary open holes or probing holes and   

  • over 115 linear meters of dynamic sampling holes.   


The majority of this has been to design and specification by the University’s various design teams for the development, the rest has been undertaken on a rapid turnaround, turnkey basis to inform and delineate contamination extent then design and implement remediation works. 


Over the various phases of remediation, ERS remediated over 5,500 tonnes of mostly hydrocarbon impacted soils and treated 80,000 litres of hydrocarbon impacted water and stabilised mine workings with 500 tonnes of grout.   


But the most satisfying part of our contribution is that a number of our staff who worked on the project are themselves alumni of Glasgow University, so knowledge and skills first gained at the University are now being applied to expanding and enhancing the campus and facilities for future students – the circular economy applies to knowledge as well!   


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