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ERS Site Investigation and Remediation Contractor Logo

Remediation of a Chlorinated Solvent Plume and Installation of a LNAPL Recovery and Water Treatment Plant

In-situ injection remediation of chlorinated solvent plume

Excavation and Screening of  Contaminated Made Ground and Disposal at a Licenced Facility

Contaminated soil being excavated onto barrier

Intrusive Ground Investigation to Inform the Foundation Design of a Solar Farm on a Former Landfill Site in Wolverhampton

Solar farm constructed on former landfill site

Onsite pXRF Testing and Delineation of Stockpile Cross-Contaminated with Hazardous Contaminated Material

Contamination testing at brownfield regeneration site
UoG Geothermal Borehole 3.JPG

Drilling a Geothermal Borehole and Installing and Testing a Closed-Loop Heating System

Giant Hogweed seedlings growing in stream

Excavation and Treatment of Giant Hogweed, and Implementation of  Management Plan 

Excavating soil contaminated by heating oil spill

Remediation of Soil Impacted by Heating

Oil Spill at Domestic Property and Reinstatement of Landscaping

in-site remediation of contaminated groundwater

In-situ Chemical Remediation of PCE Contaminated Groundwater to Tight Timescale, Further Affected by Lockdown

Pump and Treat plus

In-situ Chemical Remediation of Hexavalent Chromium Contamination at Former Plating Works

Excavation exposing chromium VI contaminated yellow groundwater

Ground Investigation and Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contamination for University of Glasgow Campus Expansion

Drill rig on-site at University of Glasgow
Chromium VI COPR contaminated yellow made ground

Large Phase II Site Investigation of Chromium VI Contaminated BDA Red Site

Underground fuel storage tank with heavy hydrocarbon contaminated soil

Tank Pull and Turnkey Remediation of Contaminated Hotspots on Former Meat Market 

These are some of our more recent case studies. To take a look at our older projects, please click here

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